חברת הפצה: Sega
חברת פיתוח: Sports Interactive
פלטפורמות משחק:Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
תאריך יציאה: 2.11.2012
Football Manager 2013 הוא משחק סימולציה לניהול מועדוני כדורגל שפותח ע"י חברת Sports Interactive ומופץ על-ידי חברת סגה. הסדרה זוכה להצלחה רבה ולשבחים מהמבקרים. קצת מידע על החידושים בכותר החדש:
החידוש הגדול ביותר של Football Manager 2013 הוא האפשרות לשחק במצב קלאסי – Football Manager Classic. מצב זה מיועד בעיקר לכאלה שאין להם יותר מדי זמן פנוי ובכל זאת מעוניינים לקבל את מלוא החוויה.
למשל, להריץ עונה שלמה בתוך 8-10 שעות, אפשרי? כן. במצב הקלאסי החדש של FM 2013.
במצב הקלאסי תצטרכו להתעסק רק בדברים החשובים באמת, בלי צורך לרדת לעומק הפרטים כמו במצב המשחק הרגיל. כשמו כן הוא, מזכיר מעט את המשחקים הישנים יותר בסדרה, לפני כל האפשרויות המתקדמות שהגיעו בשנים האחרונות. חידוש נוסף ומענין הוא ה Challenge Mode, מצב אתגר זה מאפשר לשחקן להגיח כמנג'ר של קבוצה באמצע העונה כשהקבוצה למשל שקועה במאבקי הירידה והאתגר הוא לנסות ולהציל את הקבוצה.
רשימת האתגרים:
- "המלאך הגואל" – הקבוצה שלך נמצאת במאבקי הירידה לאחר חצי עונה. האם תצליח להשאיר אותה בליגה?
- "מכת פציעות" – הקבוצה שלך נכנסה למשבר פציעות קשה, האם תוכל לייצר תוצאות טובות ולהינצל מפיטורין?
- "בלגן בבית" – המינוי שלך למנג'ר לא התקבל בברכה בקרב חלק מהשחקנים הבכירים. תחזיק מעמד?
- "הבלתי מנוצחים" – הקבוצה שלך לא מפסיקה לנצח. האם אתה מסוגל להמשיך את הרצף?
להלן שלל הביקורות למשחק Football Manager 2013, הממוצע כרגע עומד על 86:
Eurogamer | 9/10 | “Football Manager offers the most detailed and in-depth management experience ever made, as it does every year” |
Brutal Gamer | 4/5 | “Utterly brilliant! As Football Manager goes, this is by far the best yet.” |
Hey U Guys Gaming | 94% | "FM 2013 is without doubtthe finest in the series, which is no small feat considering its history.” |
God Is A Geek | 9/10 | “Football Manager 2013… is probably the best iteration to date.” |
The Digital Fix | 9/10 | “[Sports Interactive] have brought real significant pieces of gameplay to the table, refined many more and made the whole undoubtedly the sum of all its parts – or more.” |
Electronic Theatre | 90% | “Football Manager has long been the peak of the football management simulation genre, and in Football Manager 2013 Sports Interactive have once again upped that benchmark.” |
Gamerzines | 83% | “Lord knows what features Sports Interactive are going to add to next year, but rest assured ’13 is absolutely worth snapping up” |
BeefJack | "Recommended" | “It’s another year, another step forward for the Football Manager series.” |
MidLifeGamer | 9/10 | “All in all, Football Manager 2013 is Sports Interactive’s finest work to date” |
Digital Spy | 4/5 | “Football Manager 2013 is not going to relinquish its crown in the football management genre any time soon.” |
ShopTo.net | 4/5 | “All that needs to be said really is that even if you own F ootball Manager 12, this latest game is a huge step up.” |
Ducktoid | 9/10 | “When all is said and done, this is a big improvement on the previous game, and represents a step in the right direction.” |
Hardware Heaven | 90% | “Sports Interactive continue their march towards the perfect management sim.” |
Mature Gaming | 5/5 | “Football Manager 2013 is a significant improvement on last year’s iteration.” |
VideoGamer | 8/10 | “It's still great and it'll still pass the 1,000 hours played mark on my Steam account.” |
Gamespot | 8/10 | "The merefact that there's a legitimate entry level for newcomers can only be a goodthing and will surely lead to even more armchair managers in the years to come.” |
One Hit Pixel | 'A-' | “Sports Interactive have released yet another reason to forego any form of social interaction beyond the virtual realms.” |
PC Gamer | 88% | “Few games regularly generate such brilliant stories as this one” |
Big Red Barrel | 4/5 | “To call Football Manager the daddy of the football management sim is perhaps disrespectful — it’s more like the Granddaddy.” |
Mac Gamer | N/A | “If you’re a football fan new to the series, or (even better) like strategy games with a lot of depth, then Football Manager 2013 is worthy of your consideration.” |
The Average Gamer | 'Must Buy' | “Football Manager 2013 is the complete football management experience.” |
Thunderbolt Games | 6/10 | “Classic and Challenge modes help breathe some new life into the series but they don’t go far enough.” |
The Reticule | 'Red Mist' – A rare sight, Game of the Year quality | “Often there seems to be a temptation to skip a year of Football Manager from some quarters, but the additions and changes found in this year’s edition make it a must buy.” |
This Is My Joystick | 'Buy it' | “Football Manager 13offers you the most definitive management experience anywhere” |
Dealspwn | 9/10 | “This is a Football Manager title designed to please all-comers, and on this evidence it'll do just that.” |
GGS Gamer | N/A | “All these additions and more make for an in depth experience, and most importantly FMC provides the option to ignore many of the more confusing options if you’re not up for it.” |
We The Gamerz | 4.5/5 | “For those who have never picked up a Football Manager game, I highly recommend purchasing Football Manager ’13.” |
PCGamesN | N/A | “It’s clear that SI have gone all out in an attempt to get FM back in the lives of those who had decided that the game was too big a commitment.” |
Next Gen Gaming Blog | 9/10 | “The new additions thathave been brought into FM13 have added to the game greatly” |
Daily Star | 5/5 | “ANOTHER outing for Sport’s Interactive’s popular management sim.” |
Gaming Union | 9/10 | “With Football Manager 2013, Sports Interactive have shown once again that they still have much more to give.” |
Gamedot | 9/10 | “[Football Manager 2013] is the most improved FM release in a long time and has something for all players, whether they are part or full-time managers.” |
Gaming Daily | N/A | “Football Manager 2013 is the best FM game so far.” |
Impulse Gamer | 9/10 | “Football Manager 2013 has managed to improve the winning formula its predecessor succeeded in creating.” |
Pixel Gaiden | 9.5/10 | “Football Manager 2013 has managed to address some of the bigger flaws in the series through its addition of the new game modes.” |
Deaf Gamers | 'Benchmark' – the site's highest accolade | “The many tweaks and refinements help to make this a truly memorable game that will soak up most of your spare time between now and the release of next year's sequel.” |
The Sixth Axis | 9/10 | “This year sees a massive overhaul, some depth added to systems and some intuitive new ways to access information.” |
Strategy Informer | 9/10 | "For 2013, there's more than enough to keep fans happy." |
Metro | 9/10 | “For this year at least this should please pretty much everybody.” |
We Know Gamers | 8.3/10 | “All in all, Football Manager 2013 is a highly recommended game for existing players and football fans across the globe.” |
The Mancunion | N/A | “FM 2013 is the biggest update to the Football Manager series. For fans of the series it is a must buy.” |
The Guardian | 5/5 | “Football Manager 2013 is a pretty astonishing package.” |
Now Gamer | 8.8/10 | “It's the best version of the game yet, no doubt about it.” |
Sabotage Times | N/A | “Football Manger 2013 is here and it seems hell bent on getting back all of its former fans with Classic Mode.” |
Softpedia | 9/10 | “Football Manager 2013 is a great achievement,” |
PlayUp | N/A | “All things told we are happy to approve this game” |
Daily Mail | 5/5 | “There is no doubt that this is the most detailed and well-rounded football management game ever created.” |
Pocket Lint | 5/5 | “Football Manager 2013 is the most complete experience yet and, with Football Manager Classic and Challenge modes tacked on for free, it's also the best value.” |
What Culture! | 4.5/5 | “This is THE football management game on the market.” |
Game Symbol | 8/10 | “Football Manager 2013 is the best example of the series yet.” |
IGN | 9/10 | “This game is better simply because it is wholly flexible in letting you decide what you want it to be, and for that we can only applaud Football Manager 2013.” |
DIY | 9/10 | “At the heart of it all remains the same old Football Manager – quite probably the only game around where such a proclamation remains a positive.” |
Koalition | 86% | “Football Manager 2013 will definitely satisfy both its core audience and the casual football fanatics wanting to jump in for short bursts.” |
The Extreme Pulse | 79% | “At it's core it's is still a compelling and fun game that eats up time like few games can do.” |
The Game Jar | 8/10 | “The new additions are fantastic though there a few issues that could have done improving, it's still not perfect but I still love it.” |
Noobfeed | 95% | “Ultimately they've got the balance just right and introduced enough new modes and features to keep everything feeling fresh and desirable.” |
GX | 'Must buy' | “FM13 looks like it could satisfy both core audiences and casual football gamers who are in it for the short games.” |
Money Maker | 5/5 | “Sports Interactive improve on perfection. Again.” |
Nuts | N/A | “For years our biggest complaint about Football Manager has been its just too involved for everyone, but now we say that you should definitely get it, because it can take over your life as much or as little as you want it to.” |
Dark Zero | 9/10 | “It almost sounds like a broken record by saying this, but 2013 is the best Football Manager game to be ever released.” |
Play.tm | 89% | “Annual iterations may generally be a bad idea but were glad that Sports Interactive use them as an opportunity to perfect the Football Manager series.” |
Infinite Robots | 10/10 | “Football Manager 2013 is the definitive answer when it comes to your football management simulation needs.” |
Select Start Media | 9/10 | “I can’t help myself from recommending FM2013 to new players.” |
Zero 1 Gaming | N/A | "If you’re an existing fan you will love it, if you’re a returning fan you will love it and if, by chance, you’re new to the genre, there is enough variety of modes that if this type of game is in any way for you, you’ll find a mode you like." |
France | ||
Factornews | 8/10 | “Contentu, interface, gameplay: l'opus 2013 fait faire un notable bond en avant à la licence Football Manager, confirmant son statut d'incontournable dans son genre.” |
Adobuzz | 18/20 | “Vous l'aurez compris, Football Manager 13 prouve une fois deplus qu'il est le roi de la simulation d'entraînement de foot et qu'il estencore capable de nous offrir des nouveautés hallucinantes.” |
Micromania | 4/5 | “L’édition 2013 laissesurtout pantois par la richesse de son contenu.” |
GameHope | 16/20 | “D'une maniére générale, Football Manager 2013 pousse donc encore un peu plus loin le concept initial de la série.” |
Computer Games | 8/10 | “Une belle amélioration du moteur 3D, du système de gestion des joueurs et de l'interface le placent dans le catègorie des grands jeux de l'annee.” |
Jeux Video | 18/20 | “Si vous avez été déçu par le manque de nouveautés de l'edition 2012, l'opus 2013 risque de vous réconcilier avec la série.” |
Gamekult | 8/10 | “Football Manager 2013 réussit une jolie petite refonte : les menus sont plus clairs, le suivi de l’actualité et des matchs mieux pensé, le nouveau calendrier interactif tient de l’authentique bonne idée.” |
LaProvence | 9/10 | “Au final, cet opus nous offre encore plus de réalisme, plus d'immersion tout en s'appuyant sur son point fort : une base de données immense.” |
JeuxActu | 18/20 | “Tout au long de la partie, on ne cesse d’apprécier le coup de polish donné au jeu de Sports Interactive.” |
Jeuxpcmag | 4/5 | “Football Manager 2013 est sûrement le jeu de gestion du genre qui se rapproche le plus de la perfection.” |
המשחק שוחרר ב- 2.11.2012 למחשב האישי ולמק. עולה 39.99$ בסטים.
דמו למשחק Football Manager 2013 זמין להורדה מסטים.